Accelerating the NextG Protocols Definition to Code Generation with an Automatic and Secure Verification-Compilation Tool-Chain
Organization: | Northwestern University |
Award ID: | 2148177 |
PI: | Yan Chen |
Co-PI(s): | Hai Zhou, Simone Campanoni |
Contact: | |
The project leverages technical advancements in formal language for protocol description, formal verification for security analysis, and program synthesis for code generation. These components are tightly integrated to explore a radical and game-changing approach to the protocol software synthesis. The output of the research is a sequence of tools that start with NextG documents, produce I/O Automata representation of the protocols, and finally generate secure open-source code. Formal security analysis is also conducted on the I/O Automata representation to identify and remove vulnerabilities.
This award reflects NSF’s statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation’s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Publications and News
- Li, You and Zhao, Guannan and He, Yunqi and Zhou, Hai. “ObfusLock: An Efficient Obfuscated Locking Framework for Circuit IP Protection” Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), v, 2023. – Citation Details
- Li, You and Zhao, Guannan and He, Yunqi and Zhou, Hai. “SE3: Sequential Equivalence Checking for Non-Cycle-Accurate Design Transformations” Proceedings ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference, v, 2023. – Citation Details